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CEO Message - Jan/Feb 2021

Happy New Year! I hope this finds you safe and healthy as we enter 2021. As I am writing this, the Triangle Communications (Triangle) office remains closed. Our employees are still working for you and we continue to put safety first. Most of our office employees have transitioned to working from home. With our lobby being closed, we have had questions on how members can make their payments. There are several ways other than in person....

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Beware of Phishing attempts via text

You're probably familiar with phishing emails, where a scammer claims to be from your bank or a government agency and tries to trick you into giving them personal information. Well, the same type of fraudulent activity is also happening via text message. You might see a text on your phone asking you to click a link and visit a website to "unlock" or "verify" your account. Don't do it! The scammers could be after your password, account...

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What speed do you need?

Let’s face it, when it comes to internet, more is more. With Montana-sized Internet from Triangle Communications, you can do more, connect more, and experience more, faster. To select the best internet speed for your household, it is important to consider these factors: The more devices you have, the more speed you need. How many devices do you have in your home, including computers, tablets, smart phones, smart TVs, Blu-ray disc players,...

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CEO Message - Nov/Dec 2020

It seems like all I have talked about in my CEO messages since March is COVID-19. Unfortunately, this continues to be our reality. As I write this, our lobby remains closed to the public. If you have any landline or Internet needs that Triangle may fulfill, please give us a call. We still have employees here in the office and remote workers who are happy to assist you with your phone and Internet services. Triangle understands the importance...

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CEO Message - Sept/Oct 2020

In March, Triangle Communications (Triangle) made the difficult decision to close our doors to the public for the safety of our members and our employees. We had hoped that the pandemic would be under control by now and we would be able to resume normalcy. That has not happened, and we are now under the Governor’s request that a mask be worn in all public locations. As such, we will continue to keep our doors closed for now. When this...

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Triangle Communications

Montana-sized Internet.
People-focused service. 

Triangle Communications, 2121 US Hwy 2 NW, Havre, MT 59501. ©   All Rights Reserved.