CEO Message - March/April 2021
As we move further into 2021, I would like to look back on what was learned or reminded us of the crazy year of 2020.
Our employees are willing to do whatever it takes for our members. Whether in the office or out in one of our service areas, our employees did and still do understand the need to keep themselves and our members safe during this pandemic. Not to mention all the employees who have continued to work from home and those at the Havre office. We will re-open our office when it is determined safe for everyone.
We have also been reminded of the importance of our employees staying connected and keeping our members connected across the many miles that Triangle serves. Communicating during this pandemic has been very important whether it be by text, email, social media, video or picking up a landline phone.
I want to thank the members who shared kudos for our Triangle employees who have gone above and beyond in their service to you. I know we have great employees, but it is always nice to hear it from you. Stay safe and stay healthy!