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In light of Facebook's Cambridge Analytica Situation, what should I do to help protect my data?

Question: Facebook told me my data wasn't shared with Cambridge Analytica, which is a relief. But now I'm spooked. What's to keep other bad actors from collecting it, and how do I prevent that from happening? Answer: As has always been the case with keeping your data private on Facebook, the key lies in the application's settings. If you choose to continue using Facebook, take the following precautions to keep your data safe.

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Stay Alert! Scams target previous victims

Here's another scam to watch out for, this one supposedly from a company you might know and trust. Say you had a tech issue a couple of months ago and used tech support services to resolve it. Now someone claiming to be from that service provider calls you to ask if you were satisfied with the service. If you say "No," the scammer asks for your banking or credit card information to issue a "refund." (If you say "Yes," they might claim...

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Stay Alert! Scammers send fake invoices to lure you in

Scammers send emails that look like they're trying to help you because they know you're more likely to click a link within them if you think you're protecting yourself. But, beware! In particular, watch for emails that look like they're coming from large tech companies you likely do business with. The emails say something like, "See the attached invoice for your recent purchase. If you did not authorize this purchase, click on the link...

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Basic Grant Writing Workshop coming to Fort Belknap Agency

We will host a free workshop covering Basic Grant Writing.  Individuals and nonprofit organizations interested in learning about grant seeking and proposal writing are invited to attend.  The workshop is scheduled to take place April 3rd, 2018 from 6:30 to 8:00 pm in the conference room of the Harlem Public Library.    The workshop is limited to the first 20 participants registered on or before Monday, April...

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Spoofed Facebook Accounts It seems scammers have an endless supply of ways to trick you on Facebook. The latest hoax is being performed with the intention of disrupting your device. Here's how they do it: 1. They post something that a lot of people are likely to like and share, and encourage you to do so. 2. After a certain number of likes and shares are accumulated, they change the post so it contains malicious content. 3. At this...

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