911 Disclosure
911 Calls are routed across Triangle’s network and will provide needed information to the 911 dispatcher. 911 service is limited to battery backup time during a power outage.
If the device that you use to make phone calls over your Internet router is moved to a new physical location (such as a different address), calls to 911 will report the physical address that Triangle first provided service to.
The dispatcher receiving the 911 call may not be able to capture and/or retain the automatic number or location information. The dispatcher may not know the phone number or physical location of the person who is making the 911 call. In these instances, a caller will need to immediately tell the dispatcher the location of the emergency and provide the dispatcher with the phone number so that the dispatcher can call the person back in case the call is disconnected. If the caller is unable to speak or sufficiently describe the location, the emergency dispatcher may not be able to render emergency service to the appropriate location.