New Construction
Thank you for taking interest in getting Triangle service at your location! Please read this information before placing your order for new service.
What We Need to Provide Phone Service
- Your name and billing address.
- Your physical address (911 address), including apartment number.
- The previous occupant, closest neighbor with phone service or the landlord’s name and phone number.
- The type of service you need - Business or Residential.
- Your directory listing.
- Your feature and long distance choices.
- Employment and credit information.
- Business ownership information.
Note: Construction to new locations requires additional information and connection time.
New Construction
Whether it is planning an entire exchange upgrade or just plowing cable to one location, there are several important and necessary steps that need to be followed. Triangle receives hundreds of construction requests each year and we strive to complete all of them as quickly as possible, but there are a variety of tasks that must be done before the plow can put the cable in the ground.
Telecommunications construction is something that may look easy on the outside, but it is a complicated process. Triangle wants the construction process to go smoothly so we do ask for the landowner's help to get as much information about the location as possible.
Right-of-way is an essential piece of all construction projects. Triangle's Right-of-Way Agents must find every owner of the properties crossed for all our construction projects and Fiber to the Home upgrades. After all of the owners are identified, they are asked to sign easements for the construction. We appreciate the cooperation we receive from these landowners. Triangle has found over the years that it is always better to bury cables in private land where there is much less chance of it being disturbed. If easements are not granted, we must look for alternate, indirect routes which can result in higher costs. Some projects may even have to be delayed or cancelled if right-of-way is not available.
Triangle schedules construction projects on a first-come, first-served basis based on when signed contracts, necessary pre-payments and right-of-way are received. Longer taps or those requiring special equipment take longer to complete and are more expensive to construct. We extend our construction season as long as possible until the ground freezes. Projects not completed before the ground freezes will be given first priority in the new construction season.
Tips to Help You Prepare for the Construction Process
Call Triangle as soon as possible if you are planning on building a new house.
Construction estimates will not be given without a prepaid construction fee because there is not a set amount we can base a construction project on as each location is different.
The more information you have about the location the better.
The legal description (Section, Township and Range) of the property is helpful. Triangle also needs to have the numbers off of the nearest telephone pedestal which is a three foot high green or gray box. Footage from that pedestal to the house location will tell us how far we will have to plow cable. Most cable will follow roads or driveways. Nearest neighbors and driving directions to the location are also very helpful.
If the location is part of a subdivision, please have the name of the sub-division and ask the land developers if they have contacted Triangle about subdivision requirements.
You are responsible for providing your own telephone and choosing a long distance carrier.